De Xavier Nicol et Anne-Frédérique Widmann – 59 min | Suisse – 2018
SALLE 5 - JEUDI 14 MARS - 17H30
Image : Philippe Evêque
Montage : Claire Taurisson
Production : Radio Télévision Suissey
Torturés, rackettés, vendus comme des esclaves sur la route des migrants, du Niger à la Sicile en passant par la Libye. Des dizaines de milliers de migrants finissent entre les mains des trafiquants en Libye, tandis qu’une bonne partie n’arrivent jamais à destination et meurent en route. C’est la conséquence d’une politique agressive de l’Union Européenne, qui est parvenue à faire chuter le nombre de migrants arrivant en Europe via l’Italie d’environ 30% en 2017. Mais le prix humain à payer pour cette politique est terrifiant.
A film by Xavier Nicol and Anne-Frédérique Widmann
Tortured, extorted and sold as slaves: Tens of thousands of migrants end up in the hands of Libyan traffickers, while others never arrive at their destination and die on the road. This is the consequence of the European Union’s aggressive policy, which in 2017 successfully reduced the number of migrants arriving in Europe via Italy by approximately 30%. But the human price to pay for this policy is terrifying. We followed the migrants’ journey from Niger to Sicily via Libya.
By smartly combining the absence of ideology and the power of both data mining and digital campaigning Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau embodies the « 21th century liberalus homo politicus ». The advent of Donald Trump has awaken a debate in Canada. Is this young, bright, politically correct and good looking Prime Minister well prepared to lead a fight of this magnitude ?
By smartly combining the absence of ideology and the power of both data mining and digital campaigning Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau embodies the « 21th century liberalus homo politicus ». The advent of Donald Trump has awaken a debate in Canada. Is this young, bright, politically correct and good looking Prime Minister well prepared to lead a fight of this magnitude ?